Face Moisturiser!
Mon, Feb 13, 23

What do you think of when you think of people who work outdoors, people that are exposed to the elements taking part in extreme sports and outdoor pursuits, people that focus on fitness? 


We are certainly fed a couple of different images by the media.  The first image is that of the cowboy, lumberjack, general outdoorsy guy wearing boots, checked shirts and rugged looks.  God he looks good!! The elements have had no effect on his skin other than perhaps a light tan but simply add to his rugged good looks, really he is a roughly handsome version of a very clean cut guy.  The second image is that of the builder who skin has been ravaged by the elements, dry, red and rough!


So what is the truth or is it a mixture of both or neither? 


The truth is everybody has different skin which reacts differently to environmental factors, however we all understand that weather, temperature, sun and pollution all play havoc with our skin. 


Our moisturiser has a number of ingredients which combat all these things! Without getting too dull and going through specific ingredients we have a brand new anti-pollution element to our moisturiser which creates a barrier against many of the daily pollutants we come into contact with.  In addition it helps with both moisturising and softening skin, it has smoothing properties and protects against loss of hydration.  It will also help reduce wrinkles and reduce them forming! These aren’t just wild claims but tried and tested.


It's never been ‘a thing’ has it that guys on a building site or going on a trek will put moisturiser on but after a week or two you will really start to reap the benefits, your skin will look better but more importantly feel a lot better.  Feeling better in any way is one more tiny step to feeling stronger and happier in general. 

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